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From Marketing student to EU market manager of NTQ Solution at the age of 26

Youth, dynamism, and enthusiasm are the three most noticeable things when meeting the young woman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. However, only some people know that this girl born in 1997 is currently in charge of business development in the EU market of NTQ Solution - TOP 10 Vietnamese IT enterprises in software development.

From Vietnam to Switzerland and back to Vietnam

As a student majoring in International Business - Foreign Trade University (Hanoi), in 2018, she decided to transfer to study Marketing at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland to make the most of it—self-efficacy in the international educational environment.

Sharing the opportunity to come to NTQ Solution, Ngan said: "In the middle of 2019, after completing 3/4 semesters in Switzerland, I needed clarification about the future. Besides, I was determined to work in the IT industry because Switzerland is one of the top countries in digital transformation, and I didn't know what I could do. Therefore, I decided to postpone the last semester, return to Vietnam to find a direction, and plan to apply for an internship for about 6 months at a Vietnamese IT company to have a more intuitive view of the industry.

Surprisingly, although Ngan's original intention was only to be a trainee, after excellent performances in the interview, Ngan was offered the position of Account Manager (AM) by NTQ for the Southeast Asian market. (SEA) even though she has not received an official degree. This makes Ngan even more impressed because even though it is a large company with up to 700 employees, NTQ does not evaluate candidates by qualifications but only based on ability and potential.

What if your ability is worthy of the position of Manager?

So in October 2019, Ngan officially accepted the position of AM at NTQ Solution. Talking about the most difficult thing then, she said that the department she worked in was also a new department that the company focused on developing. Therefore, the team must research the market and rebuild the process, finding customers from scratch.

"Working from the beginning, I am often confused about whether I am right or wrong, especially when I have no experience in this field at all. Luckily at that time, I had a lot of support from my predecessors. Mentor is also the manager who interviews me, is extremely good, and is extremely dedicated to showing me directions to develop myself. He always encourages me not to be afraid of making mistakes, just try, do and learn from experience, not just holding hands. Thanks to that, I learned a lot and progressed very quickly."

The job of an AM is more than communicating with customers. It includes a lot of tasks, from market research, customer needs analysis and finding reciprocal solutions to planning and pitching as a bridge between the team and customers. Therefore, to do a good job, AM must regularly hone their industry knowledge, the latest technology trends, the company's capabilities, and important skills, including research, analysis, and planning. Planning, communication, foreign languages, teamwork, time management...

Ngan said: "The job is not too difficult, but it requires me to always strive to learn and improve because technology is always changing. For IT specialized knowledge, I studied on Linkedin Learning and found the most useful courses for an AM are Business Analytics, Digital Transformation Overview, Innovation Management… Industry terms are also very important. It is not necessary to know too deeply, but to know enough to understand what it is, where to use it, how to use it".

And with these excellent achievements, in 2022, Kim Ngan was honored to receive the "Employee of the Year" award and was appointed to the position of Business Development Manager in the EU market right before her 26th birthday. The original 6-month internship plan was broken, replaced by a journey of sticking for 3 years, and will continue to last because “I can still develop more at NTQ."

Ngan confided: “I think that, at the beginning of a career, a young person most needs a good mentor to shape his or her future direction, a dynamic environment that always encourages innovation to get out of bed. way and a humane company that always upholds human values. Only then can we discover our own capacity and develop in the best way. And I really feel lucky to be working at NTQ, being "empowered" even though I'm still very young. NTQ gives me the feeling that, as long as you persevere in your efforts, constantly learn, and prove yourself, the company will always recognize and reward you for all your efforts."

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