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Become an International Standard C# Programmer

C# is a programming language developed and produced by Microsoft, built on the foundation of C++ and Java (the two most potent languages today), officially launched in 2001. C# is ranked the most popular technology, and becoming a C# programmer is the first choice of many young people. However, to become an international standard C# programmer, we need to prepare what knowledge and qualities in this article NTQ Solution will answer for you.

1. Basic knowledge

Knowledge in the information technology industry is divided into two main parts: background and technology. In particular, background knowledge is basic knowledge that can be applied to many different languages and technologies. To go far, you need a solid knowledge base of C#.

- Programming language

You need to know at least one programming language, specifically C#. There is a lot of knowledge you need to master to master a programming language; however, to get started, there is some basic knowledge that you need to master, such as: Variables, Data type, Loops, Functions/ Methods, Exceptions, Advanced syntax và Best practice


For object-oriented languages (OOP) like C#, after acquiring basic knowledge, you need to master the ability of OOP, because this knowledge will be applied to all programming languages. Another object-oriented program you will learn later (Java, C++, PHP, etc.). The primary expertise about OOP: Object/class, Interface, SOLID Principles


- Data structure

Many data structures are born with different purposes, such as saving memory and optimizing speed... However, with the development of hardware like today, we must be flexible in choosing the data structure like the previous parents. Some critical data structures you need to know: Array, Linked list, Stack, Queue, Tree, Binary search tree,...


- Algorithm

Like data structures, algorithms are one of the software industry's most challenging and essential knowledge. Algorithms will become extremely important when we solve significant, highly complex problems such as: dealing with structures of millions of elements... You need to know some algorithms: Searching, Sorting , Graph Traversal,...


- Database

Regardless of whether you program for web, mobile, or desktop, databases are an indispensable part of knowledge. Knowledge of databases is extensive and complex, especially with many records, up to hundreds of thousands, millions of records. Although it is complicated, to get started, you need to know some of the following: Select statements, where statements, join statements, delete statements,...


2. Knowledge of technology

The web is one of the software industry's most complex, confusing technologies, divided into back-end and front-end. Some critical knowledge to know such as: Back-end framework (ASP.NET MVC & ASP.NET Core), HTML, CSS, Javascript, HTTP, APIs,...


- Source control

Source control is a tool to help you/your team manage source code more efficiently and professionally. You need to know basic source control knowledge: Theory of source control, Check in, Merge code, Branching,...

- Some software development models

Usually, different companies will apply other software development models and processes. However, these separate processes are mostly made from a few standard methods; understanding how some normal operations work will help you better understand the entire software industry, easily integrate with new teams… You should know some standard software development processes: Waterfall, Agile, Scrum,...

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