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Event & Activities
Looking back memorable of Women ‘s day at NTQ Solution with the slogan “I am in love”

Vietnamese Women's Day on October 20 has gradually closed with a lot of joy and happiness reflected in the bright smiles of the NTQ 's women.

With the slogan of "8 hours of surprises, 24 hours of happiness, 365 days always loved", the NTQ's women were filled with gifts from the program and the brothers in the unit. Although not too big, with surprises throughout the day, the women had fun, happy and memorable moments with your department and project team.

On October 20, NTQ's handsome stood right in the elevator and door areas, giving the sisters flowers and sweet wishes at the beginning of the day. In response to the bright roses of the brothers, the NTQ's women all had bright, unexpected smiles and were happy to receive them. In addition, the wishes written by the NTQ brothers are decorated on the flipchart board and placed neatly at the door so that the sisters can feel the day's atmosphere more clearly.\

The next surprise for NTQ women is at 10 am. At this time, the brothers reappeared, holding carefully wrapped gifts and giving each sister individually at work. The brothers also performed sweet songs to their sisters, such as The muse, The beauty of Vietnam, My sunshine. With this surprise, the sisters all enjoyed receiving gifts and were immersed in the melodies; the office atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter.

At 2 pm, when the office was quiet after the lunch break, the NTQ brothers returned again, bringing sets of cakes and drinks to the ladies' desks. Seeing the smiles is enough to understand that the sisters were pleased when they received this gift from their own hands. This is the next surprise gift among activities dedicated to women on the occasion of October 20.

So the Sisters Association 2022 program has partly fulfilled its mission when bringing NTQ sisters a day of joy and meaning. Hopefully, with the above-unexpected gifts, NTQ women have somewhat felt "loved" and cherished on their special day.

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