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Event & Activities
Impressive moments at THANKS 22 event

On Friday, January 21, 2022, the THANKS 22 event left many long-lasting impressions in the hearts of NTQ-ers. This event is how NTQ-ers show a beautiful farewell to 2021 - a challenging year, toward NTQ Solution's exciting aspirations and plans for 2022.

THANKS 22 is a chance to reflect on their accomplishments during 2021, while together, they committed to objectives and missions in 2022. Also, this closing ceremony, remarkable individuals/teams were also recognized and honored for their dedication, perseverance, and essential contributions to NTQ. 

Moveover, THANKS 22 is an opportunity for NTQ-ers to express their heartfelt gratitude to individuals who have officially accomplished the milestones of 5 and 10 years of accompanying NTQ.

Being released for the first time, the book "NTQ Stories" - a special publication that celebrated NTQ Solution's 10-year journey of establishment and continued progress, was introduced in this event. After all, THANKS 22 has successfully concluded with the message "SPEED UP". 

In the backdrop of the Covid-19 epidemic still affecting all parts of society, only "Speed up" can help NTQ in: Bringing great prospects of the post-Covid-19 digital economy; Consolidating the operating system, and Completing key positions in the organization.

THANKS 22 is not only a thank you to the previous year, to all employees who have worked together and dedicated themselves to NTQ Solution; it is also a moment for NTQ-ers to be ready to accelerate and create breakthroughs for 2022.

Although the THANKS22 event could not be held directly due to the epidemic's impact, it was instead recorded and broadcast live in NTQ Pho - a private platform for NTQ-ers. The event drew a lot of attention from the members. There were nearly 700 comments during the time of the event.

THANKS 22 is a chance to reflect on their accomplishments during 2021, while together, they committed to objectives and missions in 2022. Also, in this closing ceremony, remarkable individuals/teams were also recognized and honored for their dedication, perseverance, and essential contributions to NTQ. Moreover, THANKS 22 is an opportunity for NTQ-ers to express their heartfelt gratitude to individuals who have officially accomplished the milestones of 5 and 10 years of accompanying NTQ.

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