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Event & Activities

NTQ has had its system of human policies
From its establishment until now, NTQ has always wanted to become "a gathering place of many talented people who share the same PASSION spirit in all science and technology, together with COMPANIONSHIP - INNOVATION to leveraging Vietnamese profile on the global digital map. Therefore, NTQ believes that taking care of the members' lives is essential to maintaining and developing a stable staff.

Event & Activities

Series of foreign language training activities for NTQ programmers
Intending to accompany NTQ-ers on the journey of self-discovery and self-development, the Training Department (LnD) has organized a series of the most practical knowledge and soft skills training courses for NTQ members.

Event & Activities

Periodic health examination at NTQ
In the past four days, 12-13/5 & 19-20/5, NTQ Solution coordinated with the hospital to organize a general health checkup for all employees in the company. The program is held at the company's headquarters. During 11 years of establishment and development, the "human" factor has always been the focus of all activities at NTQ Solution, the basis for the company to develop and implement human resource development policies, as well as help NTQ-ers have the best working environment.

Event & Activities

NTQ-ers have bonded strongly after a 3-day company trip to Quang Binh
At NTQ Solution, we not only care about physical health but also pay special attention to the mental health of each member.  NTQ Solution understands a cheerful spirit will create an enthusiastic worker; an enthusiastic worker will create valuable products. And only valuable products can reach the "World-class" level.

Event & Activities

Being born is a gift - A particular policy for “NTQ Children”
In addition to the goals related to business development and production, with NTQ, the concern and care for the members' lives is always a priority for the Board of Directors.

Event & Activities

Impressive moments at THANKS 22 event
On Friday, January 21, 2022, the THANKS 22 event left many long-lasting impressions in the hearts of NTQ-ers. This event is how NTQ-ers show a beautiful farewell to 2021 - a challenging year, toward NTQ Solution's exciting aspirations and plans for 2022.
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